Friday, June 15, 2007

Pregnancy and my 2 huskies

It's been a while since I last wrote and there has been a few life changes. I'm now 6 1/2 months pregnant and my dogs have been wonderful about it so far. Considering that I wasn't able to walk them for the first 5 months of this pregnancy, they've been wonderful and hardly gave me grief. Sometimes I feel that they know when I'm not feeling well.

The first trimester and most of my second has been difficult. I suffered from a rare condition called hyperemesis gravidarum. What is this?

Here are the symptoms:
  • loss of greater than 5% of pre-pregnancy body weight (usually over 10%)
  • dehydration and production of ketone
  • nutritional deficiencies
  • metabolic imbalances
  • difficulty with daily activities <~~ this part affected the dogs the most.

We use to walk the dogs twice a day, then once, and in the first 5 months of this! Those 5 months were torture for them I am sure, but it was for me as well. I fainted (complete blackout) in a public place, I had irregular heartbeats and gave everyone around a scare. It was a good thing that my husband was waiting for me in the car. But poor husband of mine, in a panic, left the car door and windows open while the dogs were in the car. Good thing they did not try to jump out and go "exploring" on their own, never to be seen again. Crazy! But the dogs seem to understand that something was wrong. In a normal day, they would have jumped out of the open door. Few days after the incident the dogs refrained from howling for their walks which they normally do when they get antsy and restless. They seem to be in tuned with my feelings which amazes me still.

There are some days too that the dogs will put their heads on my lap close to my stomach as if listening for the baby inside me. I love my dogs, and I hope they'd love the soon-to-be new member of our family. Such wonderful creatures Siberian Huskies!

1 comment:

danny/ink2metal said...

hey ads,

sorry to hear you are going through a tough pregnancy. eat more. you were always on the skinny side. anyway, keep in touch. you will actually find real life updates on my other blog at