Thursday, June 28, 2007

They Keep Me Fit

Yes, without these two dogs I'd sit idle and gain about 100 lbs.

Almost everyday we go walking, since these dogs love to pull, I have to walk briskly. Layla is a little more of a challenge than Lobo, aside from being skittish when other people are coming from the other direction she has high tolerance for pain. Walking a siberian husky requires a pinch collar. A pinch collar is a chain link with spikes. Contrary to popular belief, the spikes do not hurt them unless they pull on the leash only then would the pinch collar "pinch" them. Layla does not care if she gets pinched, she'll keep on pulling to get away from strangers especially screaming kids. Walking her by the playground is a pain...literally. If you were on the other end of that leash opposite Layla, you will get your arms yanked out of its socket. We tried to so hard to train her by sitting on a bench at the playground so she will get used to screaming children. I suppose she will never completely be over her trauma from her previous owner/s. She had improved a lot since we first adopted her almost 2 years ago. If we never have to see a stranger coming from the other direction during our walks, we would have such pleasant ones.

Despite the arm yanking, it has not deterred me from taking them for a 2 mile walk almost everyday. Believe me, it's better all around. They are happy and not antsy, as the breed itself has a plenty of energy and I'm fit. We all benefit!

1 comment:

Kevin said...

By the way, do NOT feed brownies/chocolate to your dogs. It is bad for them.