A dog, man’s best friend, loyal, provides unconditional love and best of all, trainable. I have heard many people say that a true test for parenthood is to own a pet. I never really believed it. Pet vs. human, totally different species, right? Well, it is not really a comparison between species but a true test for commitment and rightfully so.
My Siberian Huskies had their yearly dental check-up; includes cleaning and vaccination updates. The vet usually keeps them all day due to the administered anesthesia; drop-off is in the morning 7:00 a.m. and pick-up is usually around 6:00 p.m. I browsed through the treat aisle at Petsmart before picking them up. I wanted to give them a treat to make them feel a little better which I equate to giving your child ice cream after their tonsils have been removed. Walking down the aisle I spotted a new product…brownies for dogs!!!
My Siberian Huskies had their yearly dental check-up; includes cleaning and vaccination updates. The vet usually keeps them all day due to the administered anesthesia; drop-off is in the morning 7:00 a.m. and pick-up is usually around 6:00 p.m. I browsed through the treat aisle at Petsmart before picking them up. I wanted to give them a treat to make them feel a little better which I equate to giving your child ice cream after their tonsils have been removed. Walking down the aisle I spotted a new product…brownies for dogs!!!
When one is as in tuned with their pet as I am, you will know exactly what they need...or what you think they need. I waited for them to be brought out after checking them out (as you would in a hospital) they couldn't get out of the vet office fast enough. They saw me and they saw "home". They definitely have had enough of the place, they were whinning all the way home as if they were crying "why did you have to leave us at that awful, awful place mom!" I suppose no one in their right mind would like to be poked and prodded. My heart just went out to them. They really did not like that drugged and groggy feeling, neither would I. My efforts to make them feel better amounted to baking carob brownie from American Health Kennels. Add two eggs, 1 cup vegetable oil, & 1/2 cup water, voila, we have brownies and they loved it!
Can you believe it? I thought chocolates are poisonous to dogs? I guess it isn’t when they are made especially for dogs. Besides I have always said that I wanted to learn how to bake. Well, here’s my chance.
Ok, don’t chastise me for thinking that I am actually baking when everything is coming from a box or ready make mixture. Hey it’s practice, hopefully I will be able to use my mixing bowls and kitchen aid electronics from my wedding registry. My future children and grandchildren will be the benefactor of all this in the end. So wish me luck.
Ok, don’t chastise me for thinking that I am actually baking when everything is coming from a box or ready make mixture. Hey it’s practice, hopefully I will be able to use my mixing bowls and kitchen aid electronics from my wedding registry. My future children and grandchildren will be the benefactor of all this in the end. So wish me luck.
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