I normally make my sibes their own ice cream from plain yogurt, peanut butter, banana, strawberries, and honey. Yes, all natural no preserves. I mush all the fruits then I add the yogurt, peanut butter and honey and mix them thoroughly. I then place the thick mixture into my handy dandy ice cream maker and let stir for 30 minutes. I bought those sauce disposable containers from Ziploc and divvy 'em up. After a few minutes in the freezer, Voila! We have ice cream, au naturale!
Yesterday afternoon was a bit warm. I wanted to give Lobo and Layla a break by giving them ice cream. I opened the freezer to my dismay, there is but one container left. I was not in the mood to make a new batch. It calls for me to go to the grocery for the ingredients. Besides, bananas will have to wait to ripen.
Light bulb! Rite-aid sells Thrifty ice cream for $0.99 a scoop. I packed the dogs into the car and we're off to the drugstore. I paid my dues for two separate scoops of vanilla ice cream and headed back to the car. They loved it of course...until we got home.
I'm not sure if it was brain freeze, too much dairy, or too much sugar but I thought they were choking. They were doing this thing humans do when we drink that Jamba Juice or that Starbucks Double Chocolate Chip Frapuccino too fast. They were coughing too. It's not like this is their first time. We've given them vanilla ice cream from Dairy Queen before (a suggestion from a dog lover's book) and they were fine. I have to admit though, the drugstore's scoop was a little too BIG!
Here comes the big scare. After I thought they've settled down, I went to check on them. They were not moving and seemed weak. I wanted to punch myself for loving my dogs too much; spoiling them too much. Good thing they were still responding to my calls although a little sluggish. I guess sugar does not have the same effect on animals as they do on 2 year olds. Needless to say, I almost took them to the vet. I was relieved when Lobo stood up and asked to be let out into the backyard, Layla followed shortly after and both started playing and chasing each other.
Lesson learned: Stop spoiling your pets too much before you kill them.
Ok readers, don't go calling the Animal Control people on me. I promise, it will never happen again.
Spoken like a true criminal.
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