This was Layla when we first got her. She was 7 months old when I picked her up from Fresno. I found her on the internet during one of my surfs. She was up for adoption. A returnee from a couple who were in the middle of a divorce and could not probably take care of themselves, let alone a dog. She was so skittish. I think there was yelling in that house because Layla is so scared whenever she hears high pitched sounds like kids having fun at the park, loud cheers from baseball games, the door on the UPS delivery truck being opened and shut with a bang, loud laughter and screams set her on a frenzied panic.
Layla, having lived in a kennel situated outdoors she did not quite take into the indoor situation Lobo is comfortable with. So we would leave her outside for a little while but she would never want to come back in. It was like pulling teeth with her. She was so stubborn that enticing her with treats seldom worked. I guess having a thick puppy fur coat is not suitable for indoor wear in the middle of a California summer. Little did we know, there were other things that kept her busy and cool in the backyard. She was digging. We always have to clean her. Believe me when I say, there is such a thing as "graceful digging". Lobo does it. He digs deep holes in the backyard but you will never know he did. He remains clean! Layla on the other hand bathes in dirt. Her puppy fur was so thick that she dug almost every night, and sits in the hole to cool down.
She's almost 2 years old now and she's been doing so well. She is still a little apprehensive with strangers especially when we are not around but she warms up to people quicker now than she did 6 months ago. She is so cute that she catches everyone's attention wherever we go. Everyone wants to pet her but she's so afraid of strangers. She would let you pet her only if I have my arms around her or if she's sitting on my foot. She feels safer I guess. She is our baby girl, spoiled and treated like a true princess. So if you ask Layla what she thinks of her life now?