Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A New Addition

It's been a while since I last signed in and there has been a new addition to our family that has monopolized everyone's time, including Lobo's and Layla's. Our little bundle of joy, Dylan, was born on September of 2007. Our lives has not slowed down since but it's at a managable pace now. Lobo and Layla has taken this change extremely well. Layla is even a little bit more over protective of the baby at times. I would like to share a few pictures we've taken of Dylan with his furry brother and sister.

Dylan just recently turned 5 months and Lobo and Layla have gotten used to Dylan's presence. In fact, Layla misses Dylan sometimes when he goes to grandma and grandpa's house on Wednesdays. She stands in front of his swing and whines and sniffs it like she is looking for something. Then she would look at me with the cutest curious expression as if saying "Where's my baby brother?" So cute!

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