This was the case with our little princess, Layla. She was reserved and bought from a breeder for about $1000 even before she was born. Breeders list a pregnancy as soon as they find out their dame is going to have a litter. Interested parties then put their names in and a portion of the fee as deposit. When Layla was weaned she was taken to her new home. 7 months later, she was returned to the breeder because the couple was going through a divorce and could not care for Layla. When prospective puppy parents purchase a puppy from a breeder they sign a contract that if for any reason one could not care for the puppy, it should be returned to the breeder and not be surrendered to a shelter.
It's not that the home the breeder provided for the dogs was dirty or unkempt, on the contrary, but it could be a little bigger and the number of dogs per kennel could be reduced. She lived in a barn with more than enough land to build a new housing developement.
This very experience with Layla made us appreciate the rescue places such as the Bay Area Siberian Husky Rescue Referral or BASHRR. This is the very reason why we support adoption only if to give that one dog a second chance at a better life. After all, it wasn't their fault they are in this most inauspicious condition. If I could adopt all the unfortunate dogs out there, I would. If I could put all the bad breeders out of business, I would. Unfortunately, these two are both an imposibility. But you can help, one pet at a time. Adoption information is available, please click on the banner below.