This Christmas, Lobo and Layla received so many squeaky toys, more than they know what to do with. What I do not understand is why each of them would want the toy of the other when the toys are exactly the same. They end up fighting for it and I end up the referee. If this makes sense to you, please feel free to inform me. I would really like to know. In any case, Lobo only plays with his toy for about two minutes then he is done with it. Layla, on the other hand, is very playful with her toys. She squeaks away to her heart's content. When she is tired with her toy she goes over to her toy corner and picks another squeaky toy. She is then off to squeaky-land.
She is fun to watch. She tosses it around and catches it. She pushes and kicks it around like it is a soccer ball. Her current fave at the moment is Lobo's Christmas present from my brother and his family, a gray, squeaky squirrel.